• We tell compelling stories that engage audiences.
  • We create interactive experiences.
  • We specialize in content that moves - billions.
  • Start-ups need to stand out from the noise. Work with the experts.


is ..


We create interactive experiences, not just websites.


We deliver compelling stories
that engage customers.


We specialize in content
that moves - millions.


We bring your ideas to life,
and life to your customers. 


Start-ups need to stand out from the noise.
Work with the experts. Work with us.

board game


FIDCHELL™ – Play the ancient Celtic chess game


START to play against the computer.
AUTO to watch the computer play against itself.
RULES to see game rules.
INFO to learn more about Fidchell’s origins.


The human player moves the white pieces, the single king, and his defenders, who are surrounded by an army of blue attackers – the computer player’s pieces.
The human player wins, if the king breaks the siege by escaping to one of the boards four corners.
The attacking army wins by surrounding the king on all four sides (three if the king stands at the bords edge) to capture him.
All of the pieces move orthogonally (left, right, up or down) and any number of spaces.
Attackers and defenders may be captured by trapping them between two pieces of the same color.
Select the piece you want to move. Then click on where you want to move it to.


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Castalides Interactive, the digital media label of Castalides Ltd., is a digital media and content production company, creating content such as video, live action, 2D and 3D animations, interactive entertainment and software applications, viral and growth marketing products, and just about anything that takes advantage of digital technology and drives sales for your business.


Castalides Interactive also acts as strategist, designer, producer, technologist and consultant, and shares a passion for creating great ideas and translating them into engaging, intelligent and innovative user experiences.

Supporting Causes
Each year we donate a percentage of company profits to charitable organizations. Non-profits we are supporting include: survivalinternational.org
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